The Last YastroML
Yesterday we concluded YastroML, the Yale astronomy Machine Learning Discussion Group. Over the past year we have been irregularly meeting to go over the newly released textbook Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in Astronomy: a textbook that, as its name implies, goes over a variety of statistical, data mining, and machine learning techniques that are relevant to astronomy. As I was looking into ordering the book, I noticed on twitter that a group of people at Columbia and other institutions in NYC had started up a discussion group to go over the material, which they referred to as NYCastroML. This sounded like a terrific idea, and I immediately decided that I’d try to take part in this weeklyish events. I started crafting an email to inform other people in the Yale astronomy Department about the event, and my list of people to include grew, and grew, and grew… I decided that instead I’d send an email out to the department to gauge interest in organizing something here at Yale. The response was overwhelming — YastroML was born.
We started meeting weekly in March of the Spring 2014 semester; we stuck to our weekly schedule fairly well until the end of the semester. Academics always seem to think they will have plenty of free time come summer. In practice, between conferences, workshops, summer schools, and extra curricular activities, that never seems to be the case. With the end of the Spring Semester came the end of our weekly schedule. We met sporadically since then, and our meeting yesterday marked the completion of the final chapter.
In this last meeting we covered time series analysis. Major topics included
- Discrete Fourier Transforms
- Periodograms
- Digital Filtering
- Wavelets and Matched Filtering
- Classification of periodic phenomena
- Analysis of arrival time data
- Analysis of Stochastic Processes
I put together an IPython notebook to lead the discussion. Having dealt with time series analysis for the past several years while analyzing RV measurements and light curves, I was comfortable with a lot of the material, and added several examples and interactive components to the notebook to make the session a little more pedagogical.
Some of the highlights for me in this chapter were:
- seeing how easy it is to implement wavelets in python using PyWavelets
- The use of truncated Fourier Series for searching for signals that may have multiple reoccurring features, such as eclipsing binaries
- The nonparametric Gregory-Loredo technique when dealing with sparse data sets
Afterwards a few of us got together for a celebratory dram and to discuss how the discussion group can be improved for the next time around.